• Statute
  • Organizacja roku akademickiego 2024/2025
  • Statutes in force until 2023.05.31
  • Resolution of the Senate regarding amendments to the Rules of Studies effective from 01.10.2023
  • Study regulations in force from 01.10.2023
  • University strategy 2021/2025
  • Regulations on benefits for students
  • Regulations of benefits 2023 2024
  • Educational quality assurance systems
  • Regulations for the management of copyrights
  • Regulations for confirmation of learning outcomes
  • Regulations for the use of research infrastructure
  • Regulations of the Student Government
  • Self-assessment report - Management
  • Self-assessment report - Logistics implementation of recommendations
  • Self-assessment report - Pedagogy
  • Graduation diploma

Study programs

  • Modular grid Administration part-time
  • Modular grid Administration stationary
Study program


  • Curriculum - Undergraduate Pedagogy
  • Curriculum - Secondary Pedagogy
  • Curriculum - Pre-school and early childhood pedagogy
  • Curriculum - Special Pedagogy
  • Subject cards - first degree
  • Subject charts - Grade II
  • Study grid Care and educational pedagogy - 1st degree
  • Study grid Care and educational pedagogy - second degree
  • Study grid Social rehabilitation and prevention - 1st degree
  • Study Grid Social Rehabilitation and Prevention - Second Degree
  • Study grid Special pedagogy - 1st degree
  • Study grid Pre-school and early childhood pedagogy - single master's degree program
Study program


  • Learning outcomes
  • Study grid
  • General characteristics
  • Indicators
  • Classes or groups of classes related to the scientific activity of the dicipline conducted at the university
  • Verification methods
Study program


Effective from the academic year 2021/2022

  • Learning outcomes - first degree
  • Learning outcomes - Level II
  • Study grid - first degree full-time
  • Study grid - first degree part-time
  • Study grid - second degree full-time
  • Study grid - second degree part-time
  • General characteristics of the studies - first degree
  • General characteristics of the studies - II degree
  • Quantitative indicators - Level I
  • Quantitative indicators - Level II
  • Classes or groups of classes related to the scientific activity of the diciplinas conducted at the university - I degree
  • Classes or groups of classes related to the scientific activity of the diciplinas conducted at the university - II degree
  • Methods of verification of learning outcomes - first degree
  • Methods of verification of learning outcomes - II degree
  • Learning outcomes coverage matrix - first degree
  • Matrix of coverage of learning outcomes - II degree
  • Classes or groups of classes with the assignment of learning outcomes and program content to them - Grade I
  • Classes or groups of classes with the assignment of learning outcomes and program content to them - Level II

Valid until the 2020/2021 academic year

  • Directional learning outcomes - first degree
  • Directional learning outcomes - II degree
  • Semester grid - first degree full-time
  • Semester grid - first degree part-time
  • Semester grid - second degree full-time
  • Semester grid - second degree part-time

Graduation rules

  • Order of the Rector on the rules for the preparation of diploma theses (master's, bachelor's)
  • Rector's order on the rules for the preparation of diploma theses - Appendix 1
  • Rector's order on the rules for the preparation of diploma theses - Appendix 2
  • Rector's order on the rules for the preparation of diploma theses - Appendix 3
  • Order of the Rector on the introduction of the Anti-plagiarism Regulations

Internships - economics majors


  • Student Internship Diary - Administration
  • Student Internship Diary - Logistics
  • Student Internship Diary - First Degree Management
  • Student internship diary - Management II degree

Regulations and contract

  • Rules of practice
  • Regulations of hospitalization
  • Apprenticeship agreement

Practice supervisors

Practice partners

  • Partners (members) of the Opole Chamber of Commerce in the implementation of UITP internships

Other documents

  • Practice site verification survey
  • Practice referral

Internships - pedagogical majors

Internships for Students of Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy

  • Rules of practice

Psychological and pedagogical preparation:

  • Practice notebook psychological and pedagogical preparation
  • Supervisor's opinion psychological and pedagogical preparation

Didactic preparation for kindergarten work:

  • Practice notebook teaching preparation for kindergarten work
  • Supervisor's opinion teaching preparation for kindergarten work

Teaching preparation for school work:

  • Practice notebook teaching preparation for school work
  • Supervisor's opinion teaching preparation for school work

Student internships for non-teaching specialties

  • Practice credit card - second degree studies;
  • Practice credit card - l degree studies;
  • Rules of apprenticeship.

Student internships in the field of pedagogy - practical profile

  • Rules of apprenticeship_21_22
  • Attachment 1.1 KZP Ped lic professional work
  • Attachment 1.2 KZP Ped II stop professional work
  • Attachment 2.1 Learning outcomes - PZ 6 months
  • Attachment 2.2 Learning outcomes - PZ 3 months
  • Attachment 3.1 RPZ POW module
  • Attachment 3.2 RPZ RiPS module
  • Attachment 4 Professional Practice Card
  • Appendix 4.1 Detailed practice program
  • Appendix 4.2 Detailed practice schedule
  • Appendix 4.3 Practice log
  • Attachment 4. 4. Professional Practice Report
  • Attachment 5.1 Ped I degree practice credit card
  • Attachment 5.2 Ped II Degree Practice Credit Sheet
  • Attachment 6 Practice credit protocol based on professional work
  • Exhibit 7.1 Assessment of learning outcomes Ped. I degree
  • Appendix 7.2 Assessment of learning outcomes Ped. II degree
  • Attachment 8.1 Practice credit protocol and verification of learning outcomes 1st degree
  • Attachment 8.2 Practice credit protocol and verification of learning outcomes II degree