As of October 5, 2023, we are standardizing the way we log in to our platforms:

  • home page of the university
  • Google (Google Meet+Calendar+Gmail)
  • Moodle (e.wszia)

See the drop-down menu below for details.


Check the index number

Logging into all of the following services requires a login and password.

The current index number is required as the login.

If you are studying more than one course at the same time then you have several index numbers and thus several Google and Moodle accounts.

You can check your index number using the link below:

Check your index number


Home page of the University

In the upper right corner - LOG IN

  • Username is
    NOTE: all in lowercase, no spaces.
  • The password consists of the letters contained in the index number (the first letter upper case, the second letter lower case) and the PESEL number*
    E.g., for a person with index number aa12345and PESEL 00123456789 the password will be in the form: Aa00123456789.

*If you do not have a PESEL number then the password consists of your date of birth: YYMMDD and five zeros (00000).
For a person born on December 5, 2019, this would be 19120500000

E-wshia (Moodle) 

  • Username is
    NOTE: all in lowercase, no spaces.
  • The password consists of the letters contained in the index number (the first letter upper case, the second letter lower case) and the PESEL number*
    E.g., for a person with index number aa12345and PESEL 00123456789 the password will be in the form: Aa00123456789.

*If you do not have a PESEL number then the password consists of your date of birth: YYMMDD and five zeros (00000).
For a person born on December 5, 2019, this would be 19120500000

On the cockpit, you should have icons with the subjects being taught in the semester. This is where the teaching materials will be available.

In postgraduate studies, one of the icons called Information Service contains information on credit forms, documents necessary for internships, etc.

English version of the manual

Google (GoogleMeet)

Real-time classes will be conducted on this platform.

Instructional video available here

Instructional video available here

We open the website and in the upper right corner click on the "sign in" or "add another account" button. Then we type:

  • Username is
    NOTE: all in lowercase, no spaces.
  • The password consists of the letters contained in the index number (the first letter upper case, the second letter lower case) and the PESEL number*
    E.g., for a person with index number aa12345and PESEL 00123456789 the password will be in the form: Aa00123456789.

*If you do not have a PESEL number then the password consists of your date of birth: YYMMDD and five zeros (00000).
For a person born on December 5, 2019, this would be 19120500000

People with private email accounts on Gmail must log out of them first.

After logging in, click on the menu in the upper right corner  and select calendar. After selecting a specific date, scheduled classes should appear. There will be class schedules posted for the entire semester.

After clicking on the event, click the blue "Join at Google Meet" button

Mailbox (Gmail)

After gaining access to the Google platform, please use the domain mail. We log in to it as we would to the Google Meet platform, but select "Gmail" in the menu. Using this mail, please conduct correspondence with the University.

Microsoft 365 for pupils or students

Microsoft's Office suite made available to active undergraduate and graduate students for the duration of their studies. In order to gain access to the Office suite, you must:

1. fill out the form below(link to the form) it is available only after logging into your email account in the domain

(2) After data verification, further information will be sent to the Student's address in the domain


Semester Supervisors


  • I/II semester of the first degree - I. Mstowska, M.Sc;
  • III/IV semester of the first degree - J. M. Kaczmarek, M.Sc;
  • V/VI semester of the first degree - F. Pokusa, MA;
  • I/II semester of the second degree - E. Piróg, MA;
  • III/IV semester of the second degree - Dr. M. Janicki.

Part-time studies


  • I/II semester of the first degree - I. Mstowska, M.Sc;
  • III/IV semester of the first degree - J. M. Kaczmarek, M.Sc;
  • V/VI semester of the first degree - F. Pokusa, MA;
  • I/II semester of the second degree - K. Syrytczyk, MA;
  • III/IV semester of the second degree - W. Rudy, MA.


  • III/IV semester of the first degree - K. Syrytczyk, MA;
  • V/VI first semester - Dr. F. Reiss;


  • I/II semester of the first degree - Dr. M. Krzyzanowska;
  • III/IV semester of the first degree - Dr. B. Olszewski;
  • V/VI first semester - E. Piróg, MA.