The university has its own dormitory, with more than 80 places available in 30 rooms. Located in the very center of the city, students have access to many attractions, offices, or stores without having to use transportation.

The university employs more than 60 teaching and research staff. Importantly, almost all of our lecturers also have comprehensive practical experience in the areas of interest they represent. As a result, our students have contact not only with theoreticians, but above all with practitioners.


The Academy of Applied Sciences of the UITM has positive accreditation by the Polish Accreditation Commission in all fields of study.


Akademia Nauk Stosowanych WSZiA współpracuje z wieloma instytucjami i firmami, pomagając studentom znaleźć miejsce do odbycia obowiązkowych praktyk. Those willing can also complete them at the university.

Foreigners service office

At the Foreigners' Service Office, any university applicant or foreign student can get all the information about our university. In addition, he will learn about the opportunities that open up to him in Poland after acquiring the status of a student. Counselors provide the necessary information in Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, English and German, and will help with all problems related to residence and study. We are the only university in the Opole region to run a project from the FAMI budget. As a result, we offer free Polish language lessons, document translation services, legal advice, and integration trips.


Akademia Nauk Stosowanych WSZiA oferuje wsparcie finansowe dla studentów w formie bezzwrotnych stypendiów i zapomóg finansowanych. The rich scholarship system makes it possible to realistically reduce the cost of education. These benefits can be received by full-time and part-time students, regardless of age, studying in first- and second-level studies and in uniform master's studies.

Students may apply to the university for non-refundable benefits in the form of:

  • welfare grant,
  • scholarship for persons with disabilities,
  • rector's scholarship,
  • benefits.

For more details, visit.

Bowling alley

Thanks to the signed agreement with the Restaurant and Hotel Szara Willa from Opole, our students can use the bowling alley located in this facility free of charge. You are welcome every Tuesday from 2:00 to 4:00 pm with a valid student ID card of our university.

Reservations can be made daily after 4 pm.

Teaching buildings

Infrastruktura Akademia Nauk Stosowanych WSZiA , to dwa nowocześnie wyposażone budynki dydaktyczne. The main seat with the rector's office, dean's office and library is located in a unique district of Opole - in the Opole Belt at Niedziałkowskiego Street 18. The second didactic building, together with the dormitory, is adjacent to the indoor swimming pool and is located in the very center of the city at Ozimska Street 63. The close proximity to transportation and transfer centers makes getting to the academy, simple and fast.


The University's Project and Promotion Office is a cell that carries out many interesting projects aimed at students and graduates. It conducts free courses, training courses, as well as organizes team-building excursions and many other activities aimed at students. The office conducts many charitable activities.

For more information, see Projects.

Convenient class mode for working people

A significant number of our students combine study, work and family life.

In order to facilitate the teaching process, we have introduced many facilities such as:

  • individual study organization;
  • Friendly postgraduate course hours;
  • education through an e-learning platform, where lecturers post course materials.

Biblioteka Akademia Nauk Stosowanych WSZiA zawiera ponad 36 tysięcy pozycji książkowych i multimedialnych. Our collections can be searched in the online catalog. The reading room offers access to more than 100 scientific e-books. It conducts regular subscriptions to journals in fields such as logistics, marketing, management, pedagogy.

For more information, see I am a student - Library.


There is an e-learning platform at our university, where materials from classes are posted, both from full-time and part-time studies and postgraduate studies. Lecturers provide knowledge in various forms, such as: video materials, surveys, and chats with users. Students, on the other hand, can test their knowledge in tests and assignments. Please visit

Employment level and earnings of graduates

According to the latest report from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in June 2018, the average salary of WSZIA graduates in Opole is one of the highest among all graduating universities in the Opole region. Students leaving the walls of our university belong to a group whose time to find a full-time job is one of the shortest.

In the rankings of the National System for Monitoring the Economic Fate of Graduates of Higher Education Institutions for 2018, graduates of the management faculty of the University of Management and Administration in Opole are the leaders (compared to all other Opole universities ) in the Opole province for both the Relative Earnings Index and: Total Gross Salary, Time to Search for a Full-Time Job, Unemployment, Relative Unemployment Index, as shown in the ELA rankings of majors in the fields of study below.

Academic Sports Association

The Academic Sports Club of our university is primarily a variety of disciplines and huge successes. For example, the volleyball players of AZS Academy of Applied Sciences of the UITM , so far twice in 2018 and 2019 (in 2020, due to the pandemic, we did not compete), won the title of Academic Champions of Poland. 9 of our students as part of a 12-strong team won a silver medal for Poland at the 2019 Universiade in Naples. The volleyball players of AZS Academy of Applied Sciences of UITS are vice-champions of AMP among non-public universities. We received from the hands of the President of the Polish Volleyball Federation, among others, the Gold Badge of the Polish Volleyball Federation (February 2021) or the jersey with the No. 1 of the Polish Volleyball National Team (September 2019). In 2020, we participated in the number of 23 people in the "National Academic Team" project, which aimed to support the most outstanding students in the study process. 

In addition to volleyball, student-athletes have also successfully represented the colors of the university club in other disciplines (including beach volleyball and tennis). In addition, AZS students of the Academy of Applied Sciences of the University of Applied Sciences practicing volleyball, tennis, table tennis and weightlifting, among others, regularly represent the national colors at the biennial Universiade and at important sporting events such as the Olympic Games or the World or European Championships. The AZS club is also the organizer of a poll for the university's 10 most popular athletes.

For more information, see AZS.

Charitable activities

Since the establishment of the university, both students and employees have been involved in many charitable activities. In the last two years alone, we have organized, among other things, collections of school supplies and cleaning products for the charges of the orphanage, or pet food. We supported the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and donated T-shirts and medals of our athletes for auction. Traditionally, pedagogy students prepared Santa Claus meetings for children from day-care centers, and the best students of the elementary school in Opole, with which we cooperate, received free passes to the bowling alley.

Supporting students in the learning process
The problem of supporting students in their learning process, is an important issue, which is an important direction of the university authorities. Students at the Academy of Applied Sciences ANS UITM can take advantage of many forms of academic, professional and social support, and the entire concept of education and the organization of studies and accompanying administrative activities are aimed precisely at students and their development. Motivating students to develop, supporting them to expand their professional competence and successfully enter the labor market is comprehensive and includes, among other things:
  1. Selection of didactic methods and forms conducive to the learning process; Examples include the implementation of exercise classes in small effective groups - up to 30 people or the size of seminar, conversation, workshop and laboratory groups - up to 15 people;
  2. Implementation of a learning-oriented system for evaluating student performance, with specifically and clearly defined requirements and objectively formulated assessments;
  3. Organization of the educational process that is conducive to combining study with students' professional work;
  4. The organization of the educational process that allows students to participate in scientific research and establish contacts with the scientific community, students interested in developing their scientific careers have the opportunity to participate in research work carried out by the university's researchers;
  5. A system of academic, didactic and material assistance that promotes the academic, social and professional development of students by ensuring qualified teaching staff and the availability of academic teachers in the learning process and the effective achievement of the assumed learning outcomes and the acquisition of research skills, including outside of organized teaching classes; academic teachers are available to students both during and outside of their consultations; university authorities are widely available to students; the following forms of material assistance are available at the university: Social stipend, Rector's stipend for the best students, special stipend for the disabled, random aid; tuition fee exemption.
  6. Supporting students in their contacts with the academic community ( list of contacts with lecturers available on the site after logging in ), with the social, economic or cultural environment and in the process of professional activation, in particular through cooperation with labor market institutions. This task is also implemented through the university's extensive contacts with the economic environment - see apprenticeships.
  7. Participation of students in many forms of support related to entering the labor market. The University has an Academic Career Office, which aims to help students and graduates find jobs and track their careers. The Academic Career Office of the Higher School of Management and Administration in Opole helps create resumes and organizes free training in writing cover letters.
  8. Participation of students in the project "Digital competence training". The main goals of the project are to increase the knowledge of ANS UITM students in Opole in the following areas: the role of social media in promoting and developing entrepreneurship, as well as in the use of online tools in job search, networking, crowfunding, socialnetworking, fundrising, e-marketing, etc.
  9. Participation of students in the project "ANS WSZiA in Opole - university supporting effective entry of students into the labor market". - A comprehensive program shaping competencies and qualifications, increasing the chances of graduates in the labor market. In response to the need to raise the level of preparation of management students to enter the labor market (complementarity with the initiatives of the Career Bureau), the university organizes training courses conducted by practitioners under the name "Academy of Entrepreneurship Leaders" in the field of entrepreneurship, economics and running a small business, implemented with the use of practical teaching elements - IT programs and thematic casebooks. As part of the project, students also participate in meetings with career coaches who diagnose students' personal and professional predispositions and develop a Student Career Portfolio.
  10. Conducting information systems classes in the form of labs using Comarch ERP Optima software (Modules: BI, Analysis, Accounting Office, CRM, Retail, Invoices, Trade, Bank Cash, Ledger and Fixed Assets, Tax Ledger and Fixed Assets, Circulation, Documents, General and Configuration, Place and Personnel, Service, Comarch_iBard24, Comarch iBard24 Backup Online).
  11. The University takes measures to ensure equal opportunities for students with disabilities to complete their program of study. Students with disabilities can apply for adaptation of the form, timing and duration of credits and examinations to their needs. The university offers them the assistance of a psychologist, training to enable spatial orientation on the university premises, the opportunity to use equipment in the stock of the university's lending library, the organization of physical education classes adapted to their needs, assistance in accessing specialized and scientific literature. Students can benefit from the assistance of the Rector's Representative for Persons with Disabilities and Assistants for Students with Disabilities.
  12. Provide effective and competent administrative services to students in matters related to the teaching process and material assistance. The dean's office is open 7 days a week.
  13. Ensuring access to information about the curriculum, procedures and course of study - all this information is available at the dean's office and on the university's website. There is an extensive system in place at ANS UITF that allows students to contact teaching staff - including through the university's e-learning platform and google Meet.
  14. The university also supports sports, and organizational activities of students. At the university, the Academic Sports Club ANS WSZiA is active. AZS of our university is primarily a variety of disciplines and great successes. AZS ANS UITM volleyball players have so far won the title of Academic Champions of Poland three times, while AZS ANS UITM volleyball players are vice-champions of the AMP among non-public universities. It is thanks to the participation of ANS UITM students in the Polish national team that they managed to win a silver medal at the 2019 Universiade in Naples.
For several years, the "National Academic Representation" project has been carried out at ANS UITP, the purpose of which was to support the most outstanding students in the study process. In addition to volleyball, student-athletes have successfully represented the colors of the university club also in other disciplines at the Olympic Games, World, European and Polish Championships.
  1. ANS UITM students are active in various forms of volunteering, in particular, providing assistance on a continuous basis to orphanages, community centers or patronage in primary and post-primary schools
  2. An important role in shaping both the educational offer and the entire educational process is played by candidates for studies from countries that are not members of the European Union, including primarily Ukraine and Belarus. Since 2011, the project "Integration without borders" co-financed from the budget of the European Union as part of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and from the own funds of ANS UITM in Opole has been implemented, among others. Within the project, candidates and students are offered, among other things, free of charge:
  • document translations;
  • Polish language courses;
  • cultural studies classes;
  • support of a mobile advisor;
  • support of a career counselor;
  • psychologist support;
  • Support of "angels of integration" (volunteers) - additional activities to support assistance to foreigners;
  • stationary assistance at an information and consultation center;
It is worth mentioning that the fourth edition of this project is currently underway, which has made it possible, among other things, to extend practical assistance to 588 students of ANS ANS UITM, who come from Ukraine, Belarus and other non-EU countries. Graduates of the ANS ANS UITM who have benefited from the project's support are pursuing very interesting career paths - about which we inform more extensively, among other things, on the website and in the local media.
  1. Unique and original in the country is in the project implemented by the Voivodeship Labor Office in Opole - "Trafne Gwarancje dla Młodzieży". Its aim is, among other things, to increase the scope and relevance of the activation offer of the labor market institutions of the Opole Voivodeship through the creation of a multi-stakeholder partnership and its development of a set of recommendations for supporting young people in the most difficult situation on the labor market. Among other things, the project assumed that achieving this goal would be possible with a focus on particular aspects related directly or indirectly to the support of young people. Therefore, the project was based on a series of expert panel discussions that focused on specific issues such as:
  • Differences in the situation of men and women in the labor market;
  • disability;
  • ways to reach NEETs;
  • The effectiveness of active labor market policy instruments;
  • The situation of specific groups such as: young people leaving foster care, single mothers leaving foster care, graduates of youth educational centers and special educational centers, people leaving prisons;
  • The situation and support of youth in the perspective of territorial differentiation of the Opole province.
Support for students with disabilities

Support for students with disabilities

ANS - UITF in Opole to provide academic, didactic and material support to students with disabilities, as well as technical assistance, enabling them to fully participate in the educational process.

Both of the university's buildings are accessible to people with disabilities. The university takes measures to ensure equal opportunities for students with disabilities to complete their program of study. Students with disabilities can apply for adaptation of the form, timing and duration of credits and examinations to their needs.

The university offers students with disabilities:

  • Ability to use the library's resources without going down to the library. A room on the first floor of the building has been made available, where a library employee delivers books after ordering by phone or email.
  • The possibility of shipping ordered books via the Polish Post.
  • The possibility of printing materials ( credit works, thesis ) at the university.
  • Psychologist assistance.
  • Consultation with a career counselor.
  • Training to enable spatial orientation within the university.
  • Ability to use equipment in stock at the university's lending library.
  • Organization of physical education classes tailored to their needs.
  • Assistance in accessing specialized and scientific literature.

Forms of material support for students with disabilities

  1. scholarship for disabled students (all students with a valid medical certificate of disability can apply) details and applications to download
  2. PFRON programs "Active Self-Government" call for applications for funding of costs of obtaining higher education under Module II of the program "Active Self-Government"

Rector's Representative for Persons with Disabilities:
Dorota Dańczuk e-mail:

Assistants for Students with Disabilities:
Marcin Oleksiuk e-mail:
Bartłomiej Roczek e-mail:

Student organizations

Scientific Circle

The Academy of Applied Sciences of the Academy of Applied Sciences of the Academy of Management and Administration has an active scientific circle "Management and Administration Scientific Circle", which cooperates with businesses. The students of this circle organize Management Day every year, the purpose of which is, among other things, to integrate the academic community with representatives of business and the public sector. In 2020, as part of the Management Day, a meeting was held with the largest employment agency in Opole , Dreman company, in addition, the Opole Chamber of Commerce also presented its offer, which presented more than 20 job offers from the largest companies in the Opole region. Representatives of the circle are also involved in publications. Particular activity of the circle's representatives is manifested in the implementation of the "Integration without borders" projects.

Supervisor of the scientific circle:
dr. hab. Volodymyr Saienko prof. ANS UITM e-mail:

The ANS UITM Student Government ensures that the rights and obligations of students at the university are respected. It is also an advocate for student affairs before the university authorities and organizes events aimed at students. Any student can get involved in the activities of the Student Government.

Detailed information at.


All active students who are fans of sports and would like to be even more closely connected with it are encouraged to cooperate with the Academic Sports Association, which operates at our university.

Detailed information on the AZS website.

Applications and complaints

Rules for submitting requests and complaints by students of the Academy of Applied Sciences - College of Management and Administration in Opole

  1. A student has the right to submit requests and complaints on matters related to the organization and conduct of the educational process, student administrative services and other issues directly or indirectly affecting students.
  2. Requests and complaints can be submitted individually or in groups in writing, by direct mail or correspondence, including electronically.
  3. A condition for the acceptance of an application or complaint is the signature: in the case of individual cases of the applicant or complainant, and in the case of group cases of the representative of the group with information on the nature of the applicant or complainant group. Applications and complaints should contain only true and verified information.
  4. Students should address all requests and complaints to the Dean through the Student Government.
  5. The dean, depending on the content of the request or complaint, presents it to the units or persons responsible for specific tasks for consideration.
  6. The Student Government shall inform applicants or complainants of its decision within three weeks of the application or complaint.

Mailing address:

Student Government of the Academy of Applied Sciences - Higher School of Management and Administration in Opole
ul. Niedziałkowskiego 18 pok. 6
45-085 Opole

E-mail address: