Dedicated courses and training
In addition to the implementation of education in the form of studies, we also have the ability to organize professional courses and training. Subject areas include issues related to:
- management;
- administration;
- logistics;
- pedagogy.
We not only have the right staff, but also technical facilities and our own catering and cleaning service. So we are able to carry out the commissioned form of support in a comprehensive manner.
The university's offerings also include:
- career and social counseling;
- psychological counseling;
- peer mediation;
- creation of business plans;
- creation of feasibility studies;
- creation of development strategies.
So far, we have implemented, among other things, training on such topics as:
- time management;
- team management;
- management accounting;
- Mediation and negotiation in business;
- Business plan and feasibility study;
- raising external funds;
- selected aspects of labor law;
- enforcement in administration;
- processing and protection of personal data;
- supply chain management;
- The ability to work with a group;
- working with difficult learning;
- sociotherapy;
- art therapy;
- selected issue of psychopedagogy;
- The functioning of social economy entities;
- caregiver for the elderly.
Due to the fact that we approach the implementation of training services with the utmost care, we prepare each offer individually. Both in terms of schedule and training fees.
Feel free to contact us:

Marcin Oleksiuk, MA
Associate dean for student affairs
18 Niedziałkowskiego St., room 3
Tel:+48 698 346 831