- University of Opole - official cooperation agreement: including, among other things, ensuring the continuation of education for the best graduates of the UITM; joint publishing ventures; mutual agreement on the use of library resources; organization of scientific conferences
- Opole University of Technology - an official cooperation agreement covering, among other things, ensuring the continuation of education for the best graduates of the UITP; joint publishing ventures; a mutual agreement on the use of library resources; the organization of scientific conferences
- Social University of Management and Entrepreneurship in Lodz - official cooperation agreement: including, among other things, ensuring the continuation of education for the best graduates of the WSZiA; joint publishing ventures; organization of scientific conferences
- Modern Business Management - cooperation to ensure reaching students and academic teachers with a project aimed at combining didactic and scientific experience with practical knowledge to better prepare recipients for the practical use of acquired knowledge in future professional work
- Hochschule Mittweida - preliminary agreement on exchange of staff and students, and the launch of a joint course of study (media management); ensuring the continuation of studies in Germany
- University of New Brunswick (Canada) - staff exchange
- Fachhochschule Kaiserslautern - cooperation within the framework of the Socrates program
- University of Paris 8 - Université de Paris 8 (St. Denis-Vincennes) - agreement to launch MBA-type education, agreement to launch DUT studies
- Kolomyja College of Law and Business (Ukraine) - staff and student exchange
- Institutions and Agencies of the Association of Polish Educators
- Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Katowice - creation of a commission of legal and economic sciences at the headquarters of the Academy of Sciences in Opole
- Universitait Twente in Enschede, the Netherlands - faculty exchange
- University of Silesia in Opava - joint scientific ventures, exchange of personnel
- Evangelical Academy in Görlitz - student exchange
- Ecumenical Academy in Prague - joint scientific ventures, exchange of personnel
- Regional Center for European Information, European House - agreement on launching postgraduate studies in the field of European Union Structural Funds
- Kluczbork Business Incubator
- Berdyansk University (Ukraine)
- University of Prešov (Slovakia)
- Vinnitsa University (Ukraine)
- Kharkiv University of Economics (Ukraine)
- University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia.
- National University of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
- PRIGO University in Havířov (Czech Republic)
"Beyond The Shore Educational Services (BTSES)".
Representative in Africa
Office Address: Btses Office, Adjacent Fab Filling Station, University Road, Tipper-Garage, Tanke 240103, Ilorin, Nigeria
Tel: (+234) 8174000111, (+234) 8109497666
E-mail: btseservices@g.wszia.opole.pl or info@btseservice.com
Website: https://btseservices.com/
"Everest Poland".
Office address: 16 Długa St.
85-058, Bydgoszcz
Spivak Denys
Private enterprise
Address: st Kyivska 16, 10014, Zhytomyr, Ukraine
E-mail: sdservicezt@gmail.com
Mobile number: +380676881468