• Family Assistant ( online )
  • Coaching - personal and business coach ( on-line )
  • Career and educational counseling ( online )
  • Gerontology and long-term care ( online )
  • Gerontopedagogy ( online )
  • Sensory Integration - NEW! ( on-line )
  • Mediation and negotiation ( online )
  • Pedagogy of care and education ( online )
  • Custodial pedagogy with psychological assistance ( online )
  • Resocialization Pedagogy ( online )
  • Rehabilitation pedagogy and social prevention ( online )
  • Social skills trainer ( online )
  • Medical Coordinator- NEW!
  • Logistics for teachers ( online )
  • Logistics and crisis management ( online )
  • Energy Manager - NEW! ( on-line )
  • Tourism and Sports Manager ( online )
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS) management ( online )
  • Management in public administration ( online )
  • Management in health care ( online )
  • Management in educational institutions ( online )
  • Management in the uniformed services - NEW! ( on-line )
  • Human Resource Management ( online )
  • Health education - NEW!
  • Logopedia - NEW!
  • Entrepreneurship ( online )
  • Preparation in the field of special pedagogy: Inclusive education - new! ( on-line )
  • Preparation in the field of special pedagogy: Education and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities (Oligophrenopedagogy) ( online )
  • Preparation in the field of special pedagogy: Education and rehabilitation of people with hearing disabilities (Surdopedagogy) ( online )
  • Preparation in the field of special pedagogy: Education and rehabilitation of people with visual disabilities (Tyflopedagogy) ( online )
  • Preparation in the field of special pedagogy: Education and therapy of people with autism spectrum disorders
  • Preparation in the field of special pedagogy: Therapeutic pedagogy
  • Preparation in special pedagogy: Resocialization pedagogy
  • Preparation in the field of special pedagogy: Pedagogical Therapy (Corrective Pedagogy).
  • Preparation in the field of special pedagogy: Early childhood development support
  • Preparation in the psychological-pedagogical and didactic fields (giving qualifications for teaching subjects - pedagogical preparation)