Forms of benefits for students of the Academy of Applied Sciences - University of Management and Administration
and Administration in Opole:

Applications for scholarships for the 2023/2024 academic year should be submitted according to the following deadlines and rules:

  • From September 04 to October 20 in the winter semester (students starting from the winter semester)

At the request of the Student Government, the application deadline has been extended to October 31, 2023.

  • From 01 February to 20 March in the summer semester (students starting from the summer semester)

For information, call 515-927-197 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Benefit Regulations 2023/2024

Regulations of benefits 2023/2024


  1. From the 2022/2023 academic year, the grade point average for the Rector's scholarship is calculated as a weighted average, rounded to two decimal places, based on the grades of all examinations and passing grades of the subjects included in the program of study in the previous academic year, entered in the grade record and the number of ECTS credits assigned to the subjects.
  2. A student who applies for a social grant and whose monthly income per person in the family has not exceeded the income criterion amount entitling him to apply for benefits, as defined in Article 8 paragraph 1 point 2 of the Act of March 12, 2004 on Social Welfare (as of January 1, 2022 - PLN 600.00 net) obligatorily attaches to the application for a social grant a certificate from the Social Welfare Center on his and his family's income and asset situation.
    This certificate must be up-to-date and should cover the period from the year preceding the academic year in which the student applies for the benefit until the present time.
    In the case of failure to attach to the application a certificate from MOPS, GOPS, or attaching a certificate from which the actual income and asset situation of the student's family does not appear, and its content is limited only to stating the fact of NOT USING social assistance UKS is obliged to refuse to grant a social grant to such a student, unless the student documents the sources of family income.
  3. According to Article 93(2) of the Law on Higher Education and Science: "A student studying simultaneously in several fields of study may receive the benefits referred to in Articles 86(1)(1)-(4) and 359(1) only in one field of study indicated by him/her."
  4. According to Article 93 (1) and (3) of the Law on Higher Education and Science: "The benefits referred to in Article 86 (1) (1-4) and Article 359 (1):
    1. are entitled to first-degree studies, second-degree studies and unified master's studies, but for no more than 6 years;
    2. are not entitled to a student holding a professional degree:
      (a) Master's degree, Master of Engineering or equivalent,
      (b) bachelor's degree, engineer's degree or equivalent, if he/she resumes his/her first degree program."
Rules for submitting applications for student benefits for the 2023/2024 academic year

Rector's scholarship applications - in person or by registered mail through the Polish Post or courier
- Correctly completed application, with all required signatures and dates
- Information clause on the processing of personal data, which can be downloaded along with the application on the website.

Applications for scholarships for persons with disabilities - in person or by registered mail through the Polish Post or courier
- Correctly completed application, with all required signatures and dates
- Information clause on the processing of personal data, which can be downloaded along with the application at
- A copy of the certificate that is the basis for applying for the scholarship.

Requests for relief - in person or by registered mail via the Polish Post or courier, depending on the required documents. Please consult in advance by phone.
- Correctly completed application, with all required signatures and dates
- Information clause on the processing of personal data, which can be downloaded along with the application at
- A set of documents confirming the event that is the basis for applying for the aid.

If you have any doubts about filling out the application or the documents you need to attach, please call tel. 515 927 197 from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Shipping address:
ANS-WSZiA in Opole - Scholarship Department
18 Niedziałkowskiego St.,
45-085 Opole
post office box 526

Application for social scholarship - together with a set of documents should be submitted in person AFTER PREVIOUS TELEPHONE OBSERVATION OF THE APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS tel. 515 927 197 Mon - Fri 8.00 - 15.30.

All applications with the required attachments will be available for download on the university's website at the end of August under I am a student - scholarships



Dorota Danczuk, MA

Scholarship specialist

pok. 104, 18 Niedziałkowskiego St., Opole
Tel: +48 515 927 197

Representative of the Rector for students with disabilities

pok. 104, 18 Niedziałkowskiego St., Opole
Tel: +48 515 927 197