He is prepared to fulfill the role:
- special educator - specialist teacher to work in inclusive and mainstream education institutions
- teacher at all educational stages in special institutions in relation to the core curriculum for students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities
- teacher of classes in kindergartens, schools and institutions of mainstream, inclusive and special education
- educators to work in rehabilitation institutions
- therapist - special educator in early intervention teams, early intervention facilities and in the field of care of a young child (nurseries, family support centers)
Graduates are prepared to work in a variety of institutions/organizations working on behalf of people with disabilities and their families, including: educational institutions, specialized counseling centers, institutions for care, upbringing and rehabilitation, social service agencies, health and rehabilitation institutions, educational local government agencies and the judiciary.
[The study program is based on: Ordinance of the Minister of National Education of August 1, 2017 on detailed qualifications required of teachers: Ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012 on standards of education preparing for the teaching profession; Ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 27, 2018 on studies; Ordinance of the Minister of National Education of August 9, 2017 on conditions for organizing education, upbringing and care for children and youth with disabilities, socially maladjusted and at risk of social maladjustment].
Special Pedagogy
It includes a wide spectrum of knowledge and skills in pedagogy and psychology, the biomedical basis of human development, diagnosis of the needs and capabilities of a student with special educational needs, methods of stimulating activity and cognitive creativity of a young person, etc. It also includes a palette of subjects, within the framework of which the student will gain substantive preparation for teaching activity in special education, integration and inclusive education institutions, including competence in the following: methodology of teaching students with intellectual disabilities; methodology of remedial-educational work of persons with combined and profound intellectual disabilities; methodology of upbringing and education of students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities in different types of educational institutions, at different stages of education.
An integral part of education in the sphere of special pedagogy is professional practice, which allows the student to build his workshop of a special educator - a specialist teacher, i.e. the formation and development of teaching and educational skills in direct contact with students. The study program provides for mid-term and continuous pedagogical practice in special education, inclusive education and inclusive education institutions. In addition, students will be able to practice and improve their teaching skills during their pedagogical practice at the Opole School of Exercise or the Kluczbork School of Exercise.
The graduate of Special Pedagogy will have the ability to use interdisciplinary knowledge of human developmental regularities, organic, mental and social deviations, as well as educational, rehabilitative and re-socialization opportunities. He will be able - depending on his specialized interests - to recognize and independently solve educational, rehabilitation and re-socialization problems. Thus, specializing in Education and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities will be prepared to conduct classes with children, adolescents and adults with mild, moderate, severe and profound intellectual disabilities. He will develop his competence in Education and therapy of persons on the autism spectrum will have expanded knowledge and skills in the following areas, among others: medical and psychological bases of disorders specifics of cognitive, emotional and social functioning of children and adolescents on the autism spectrum, methods of autism therapy, functional diagnosis, and will be competent to construct and implement individual educational and therapeutic programs. Specializing in Resocialization pedagogy will have expanded knowledge and skills needed to work with socially maladjusted people and those at risk of social maladjustment both in closed institutions and open environments. And a graduate who has perfected his skills in the sphere of early support of child development, will have proficiency in prevention, multi-profile diagnosis, rehabilitation and support of the development of children at risk of disability or with developmental disorders (e.g., visual, auditory, motor dysfunction, psychomotor developmental delay and autism spectrum disorders).
One-time payment for the first semester (promotion):
until 31.05.2024r
Until 30.06.2024r
until 31.07.2024r
until 31.08.2024r
Until 30.09.2024.
until 31.10.2024.
Payments in 4 installments:
Until 05.10.2024r
until 09.11.2024.
until 07.12.2024.
do 04.01.2025r.
semester I
semester II
semester III - IV
Semester V - VI
semester I
semester II
semester III-IV
semester I
semester II
semester III - IV
Semester V - VI
semester VII-VIII
Semester IX-X
It is possible to make all payments related to studies through an individual account, which can be found in the "tuition contract and terms of payment for studies at the UITM in Opole" or under the link.
In the title of the transfer, please specify what specifically the fee is being paid for, e.g., first semester dorm fee, ID card fee.
In exceptional situations, it is possible to pay the fee to the main account number, provided that in the title of the transfer you provide your name, index number and information on what specifically the fee is paid for, e.g. fee for the first semester, dormitory, fee for ID card. Please be advised that the index number is necessary for the payment to be credited.
WSZiA main account:
PKO BP I o/Opole,
39 1020 3668 0000 5902 0009 9804
Students and students wishing to receive an invoice for the payments made are requested to contact the Bursar's Office of the Academy of Management in Opole immediately after making the payment.
Those studying two postgraduate courses concurrently receive a discount of 40% of the base rate for the second postgraduate course.
Level II students of the first semester can start any postgraduate course (two or three semesters) and will receive a discount of PLN 1100 for the entire postgraduate course.
Contact in financial matters:
The VITU Bursar's Office
Opole, 18 Niedziałkowskiego St., room 207
tel. 515 928 219
Application for admission to university
Identity card/passport
High school diploma and high school graduation certificate
Three current 3.5 x 4.5 cm color photographs (ID).