Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund,
Operational Program Knowledge Education and Development 2014-2020 and the state budget.

Project implementation period: from: 2020-11-01 to: 2022-10-31.


The Higher School of Management and Administration in Opole is a partner of the Nysa Municipality and the District Teacher Training and Psychological-Pedagogical Counseling Center in Nysa in a project implemented by the Ministry of National Education titled Effective Public Policies for the Labor Market, Economy and Education, Measure 2.10 High Quality of the Education System titled Nysa School of Exercise.

The main objective of the project will be to support the high quality of the educational system in Opolskie Province through the establishment of a model Nysa Exercise School in 3 public elementary schools in the municipality of Nysa (School and Kindergarten Complex in Niwnica, School and Kindergarten Complex in Biała Nysa, Elementary School No. 2 with Sports Championship Branches in Nysa), which will function as lead schools in the project.

The project will plan activities in which teachers, students and pupils will develop key competencies, psychopedagogical and methodological skills necessary for the labor market. The project will provide practical training for teachers in new forms and methods of education, including brain-friendly teaching methods and remote teaching.

A total of 10 schools will be supported.

Lead schools:

  • School and Kindergarten Complex in Niwnica;
  • School and Kindergarten Complex in Biała Nyska;
  • Primary School No. 2 with Sports Championship Branches in Nysa.

Cooperating schools from rural areas in the municipality of Nysa:

  • School and Kindergarten Complex in Koperniki;
  • School and Kindergarten Complex in Goświnowice;
  • Gustaw Morcinek Elementary School in Lipowa with a Kindergarten Branch.

Cooperating schools in the municipality of Nysa:

  • Elementary School No. 1 in Nysa named after the Knights of the Order of the Smile;
  • Janusz Korczak Elementary School No. 3 in Nysa;
  • Primary School No. 5 in Nysa named after Marshal Józef Piłsudski;
  • Elementary School No. 10 with integrated branches named after J.H. Dabrowski in Nysa.

Teachers from leading schools, associated with the four areas of support, will participate in methodological workshops, support networks, consultations, conferences, trainings, e-learning trainings on the platform. 

Teachers from cooperating schools, related to the four areas of support, will participate in workshops, support networks, consultations, conferences, training courses, e-learning courses on the platform, demonstration lessons.

The selection of schools for the Exercise School was made in accordance with the criterion of Appendix No. 11 of the competition, which implemented the Exercise School Model developed by ORE. The leading schools that entered the NSC met the design criteria, i.e. they had an adequate base, staff resources, experience and adequate motivation of teaching and management staff, as indicated by the previously prepared diagnosis.

The main objective of the project will contribute to improving the quality of the education system in the region by improving and increasing activities related to innovative teaching methods used in the NSC, including brain-friendly teaching methods and remote learning.

The main objective of the project will contribute to the development of key competencies and psychosocial skills necessary in the labor market among students of schools participating in the project through participation in demonstration lessons, classes in laboratories retrofitted under the project, as well as professional development of teachers from 10 schools participating in the project. In accordance with the provisions of the OP WER objective, there will be an increase in the use of innovative methods to support the teaching process in terms of: critical thinking skills, improving teamwork, creativity, innovation, learning and teaching skills, understanding, as well as teaching with the use of ICT, including remote lessons.

Through the use of modern educational methods in 4 studios, students will improve their math and science, language, and ICT skills.

In addition, the planned trainings for teachers will also assist students in developing additional skills such as creativity, innovation, teamwork, educational and preventive competencies or learning skills.


Stationary meeting of cooperation and self-learning network for teachers of leading and cooperating schools /hour 12:30-20:30, PSP No. 2 in Nysa/.

17.09. and 24.09.2022
Workshop on diagnosis of key competencies of students for teachers of leading and cooperating schools /hours 8:00-16:00, PSP No. 2 in Nysa/.

Stationary meeting of the network of cooperation and self-education for students /hours 8:00-16:00, WSZiA in Opole, Niedziałkowskiego Street 18/.

IV Opole Education Forum /online conference/.